We had another hot one today!!
Campers decorated quilt squares for the quilt we will have made to go into the Orange County Fair Auction. The proceeds from that will go to benefit TACO. Campers also made a paper plate horse.
In horse education the campers learned all about the different types of feed, hay, and nutritional information of horses! They got to reach into the feed bins and feel each type of feed and the different textures.
In the riding arena campers continued to prepare for the horse show on Friday, adding more trotting, obstacles, and "jumps" to their lesson!
The Orange Volunteer Fire Company came out for entertainment. Campers got to dress in turn out gear and also spray water out of the fire hose. It was a HUGE hit!
The Orange County Review also visited the farm today for camp. Their story will be in next week's paper!
Campers decorated quilt squares for the quilt we will have made to go into the Orange County Fair Auction. The proceeds from that will go to benefit TACO. Campers also made a paper plate horse.
In horse education the campers learned all about the different types of feed, hay, and nutritional information of horses! They got to reach into the feed bins and feel each type of feed and the different textures.
In the riding arena campers continued to prepare for the horse show on Friday, adding more trotting, obstacles, and "jumps" to their lesson!
The Orange Volunteer Fire Company came out for entertainment. Campers got to dress in turn out gear and also spray water out of the fire hose. It was a HUGE hit!
The Orange County Review also visited the farm today for camp. Their story will be in next week's paper!