We had a great turn out of campers and volunteers both.
Campers participated in horseback riding activities, tie-dying t-shirts with sharpies, learning how to lead horses and steer around obstacles, and brushed-up on their grooming and horse education skills! Campers also enjoyed cupcakes provided by Renee Almond. The campers also got a special treat as their entertainment this year, and got to watch a jumping demonstration preformed by two local equestrians. We also welcomed two new horses; Stormy and Dawn into our TACO Program this Spring.
Thank you to all of the parents' of campers, without your support and encouragement, camp would not be nearly as successful! I would also like to thank all of the volunteers that came out to help, without you it would not have been possible! Thank you to all of the committee members who put numerous hours into planning this event. In addition to the volunteers, parents, committee members, and campers I would also like to extend a special thank you to Rhonda Dowell, Teresa Critchfield, Ellen Pitera, and Susan Hanner for allowing TACO the use of their horses for camp! Without these fantastic horses, camp would not be possible.A HUGE thank you to Stacey Donnelly, Jill Wilson, Peter and Gabby for their fantastic jumping demonstration! The campers thoroughly enjoyed watching you all jump the BIG JUMPS!!
Once again, thank you to everyone who was a part of last Friday, we could not have done it without you!
If you have any feedback or suggestions based on your experiences last Friday, I would love to hear them. Please e-mail them to me at [email protected]. If anyone has any photos from Friday that they would like to share, please email them to me at [email protected]. Thank you!
All of the participating volunteers for the "Return to the Farm" Spring Day will be receiving a summer application in the mail shortly along with a letter documenting your community service hours.
Summer applications will be posted on the website and mailed out within the next week! Also, check back soon for photos from Friday's camp!