2022 Award Recipients
Our committee met earlier this year and decided to implement new awards at TACO this year.
One being Years of Service Awards for our volunteers. Going forward, as long as funds allow, we will be presenting years of service awards for 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, and 20 years of service! Unfortunately, some volunteers have been here longer, but due to previous record keeping we had to start our count in 2007.
Over the last 6 years, TACO has experienced a lot of loss. In November 2017, we lost camper Joseph Shifflett, August 2021, committee member Sallie Barber and January 2022, committee member, instructor, and host Susan Hanner. Our committee decided that these individuals needed to be remembered and honored. This year we presented the first annual Joseph Shifflett Memorial Award to a current camper, the Sallie Barber Memorial Award and the Susan Hanner Memorial Award each to a current volunteer.
One being Years of Service Awards for our volunteers. Going forward, as long as funds allow, we will be presenting years of service awards for 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, and 20 years of service! Unfortunately, some volunteers have been here longer, but due to previous record keeping we had to start our count in 2007.
Over the last 6 years, TACO has experienced a lot of loss. In November 2017, we lost camper Joseph Shifflett, August 2021, committee member Sallie Barber and January 2022, committee member, instructor, and host Susan Hanner. Our committee decided that these individuals needed to be remembered and honored. This year we presented the first annual Joseph Shifflett Memorial Award to a current camper, the Sallie Barber Memorial Award and the Susan Hanner Memorial Award each to a current volunteer.
Camper Recognition
We recognized some special campers who unfortunately aged out in 2020 and 2021 and due to COVID, we weren’t able to properly recognize them:
We recognized some special campers who unfortunately aged out in 2020 and 2021 and due to COVID, we weren’t able to properly recognize them:
- Kane Breeding
- CJ Latham
- Shaun Long
- Christopher Meadows

Rockstar Award: This year we presented a special award to someone who made camp happen this week. Without him, I’m not sure what we would have done! He stepped up into a leadership role, always had a smile on his face and a positive attitude. He always went with the flow and helped make sure everything worked out in the end. Camp would not have been successful this year without Ricardo. A huge thank you to Ricardo for helping us bring a smile to all of our campers' faces.

Joseph Shifflett was only here with us at TACO for a short while, but he made a huge impact on many of us. Joe always had a smile on his face, he loved painting and always said “Yup.” Everyone Joe met was a friend. He had the kindest heart you’ll ever see. When Joe first came to TACO, he really wasn’t sure about riding. He led Rowan around for a couple of days and by day 4, he was ready to try it! Once we got him on- there was no getting him off. To honor Joe’s Memory, we gave the first annual Joe Shifflett Memorial Award.
This year, this award was presented to a camper who is always smiling, he doesn’t say much, and is often quiet, but he is so kind to his fellow campers and has a heart, much like Joe’s - full of kindness. Zyen Tinsely, was presented with the Joe Shifflett Memorial Award.
This year, this award was presented to a camper who is always smiling, he doesn’t say much, and is often quiet, but he is so kind to his fellow campers and has a heart, much like Joe’s - full of kindness. Zyen Tinsely, was presented with the Joe Shifflett Memorial Award.

Sallie Barber, I’m not sure where to start. Sallie loved everyone, and everyone loved Sallie. I honestly cannot tell you how long she was involved with TACO, other than it was years, More than 20, probably more than 25. Sallie served on our committee for many years, until she had to step away due to her health. She was at camp everyday with a smile on her face and a laugh you could hear across the farm. She didn’t know a stranger and she’d do anything in the world for anyone. I think everyone knew Sallie. She had a way with children, she understood them and could relate to them so well. Sallie served as a group leader, side walker, and many other rolls at camp (probably all of them at one point or another). When we sat down to try to pick the qualities of Sallie- it was hard.. there were a lot! But we decided the 3 things that really described her, was her love for children, her sense of humor, and her dedication to TACO.
This year, the recipient of this award has been with TACO since he was in middle school. He is not going to miss it. If it means taking off work, or rearranging his schedule- he is going to do it. You can always count on him to be where ever you need him, whenever you need him. He is a true definition of dedication. His love for the campers, his interaction with them, and his sense of humor, made him the perfect candidate for the Sallie Barber Memorial Award. This years award was presented to Cole Ryder.
This year, the recipient of this award has been with TACO since he was in middle school. He is not going to miss it. If it means taking off work, or rearranging his schedule- he is going to do it. You can always count on him to be where ever you need him, whenever you need him. He is a true definition of dedication. His love for the campers, his interaction with them, and his sense of humor, made him the perfect candidate for the Sallie Barber Memorial Award. This years award was presented to Cole Ryder.

Susan Hanner, was the hostess, instructor, and committee member for TACO from 2001-2017. We can thank her for the indoor we are using, as she designed the facilities here at Elmwood, where she ran her business until 2017. Susan didn’t know the word no, she’d help anyone she could. In the 10 years I knew Susan, I don’t remember her ever refusing to help someone, whether it was a person or animal. She was a kindhearted person, who had a love for children and horses. She loved TACO, she loved teaching the campers. She always had a smile on her face, even if it wasn’t a good day. When we talked about the qualities we wanted to honor of Susan. Smile, helping others, and dedication to TACO, came to mind.
This year the recipient of the Susan Hanner Memorial Award was a fairly new volunteer, but boy did he leave an impression after year one. He came in, knowing nothing about camp other than what he had been told by one of his teachers. We showed him how to sidewalk and off he went! I don’t think he expected to have one of the campers decide they were best friends while she was riding, but when she put her hand on his shoulder, he was right there for her. When we offered him breaks, nope, he’d stay walking with her. He may have a shy little smile, but he has a big heart, and such a love for helping others. This years award was presented to Jeremiah Stinnie.
This year the recipient of the Susan Hanner Memorial Award was a fairly new volunteer, but boy did he leave an impression after year one. He came in, knowing nothing about camp other than what he had been told by one of his teachers. We showed him how to sidewalk and off he went! I don’t think he expected to have one of the campers decide they were best friends while she was riding, but when she put her hand on his shoulder, he was right there for her. When we offered him breaks, nope, he’d stay walking with her. He may have a shy little smile, but he has a big heart, and such a love for helping others. This years award was presented to Jeremiah Stinnie.
While many of us had the immense pleasure of knowing Joe, Sallie and Susan, so many of you didn’t, as the years go on, so many more here at TACO won’t know them. They were all such an important part of TACO. We want their memories and legacies to continue for years. We hope that these awards will remind you of those who came before you, those who helped shape TACO into what it is today, and to those who are proud of everything you are doing to continue their work, I am quite sure there were a lot of smiling faces down on us at TACO this year.
Volunteers Years of Service
*based on service from 2007
*based on service from 2007
3 Years
8 Years
14 Years
5 Years
10 Years
15 Years
To all of our volunteers whether you have been with us 1 year, or 15+ years, we could not do this without you. YOU are what makes TACO happen, you are what makes it possible. In closing, I’d like to share a quote our committee came up with years ago.
We have the cause
You have the effect
We all have the heart.
We have the cause
You have the effect
We all have the heart.